New Antisemitism in Europe? Keynote and Open Discussion with Paul A. Levine

Afro-Asiatisches Institut
Leechgasse 22-24, A-8010 Graz

07.11.2018 von 18:30 bis 20:00 (CET / UTC100)





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New Antisemitism in Europe?
Keynote and Open Discussion with Dr. Paul A. Levine

07.11.2018, 19:30-21:00, Afro-Asian Institute Graz

Today Europe, the EU and the world are witness to an alarming explosion of right-wing extremism and a political strengthening of toxic ethno-nationalisms thought to belong to the past. These trends, combined with large-scale movements of refugees and a weakening of still young democratic structures, present an unique danger for the democratic and humanistic Europe which remains at the very center of our common post-War aspirations. If this serious challenge is not adequately understood and confronted, another European tragedy is sure to follow.

Presentation: Assoz. Prof. Mag. Ulla Kriebernegg (Zentrum für Inter-Amerikanische Studien, Universität Graz)

Dr. Paul A. Levine is an associate professor/Docent of Holocaust and modern European political history. The author of many publications, his widely praised book, Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest; Myth, History and Holocaust (London, 2010), won in 2012 the International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation´s “Centennial Award”. Levine is co-author of the path-breaking Holocaust educational book, Tell Ye Your Children; A Book about the Holocaust in Europe, 1933- 1945. Originally published in 1998 by the Swedish government, Tell Ye your Children has been published in some 20 languages and millions of copies, most recently in Ukraine (2017) and Croatia (2018). He has taught and lectured at universities and secondary schools throughout Europe and North America, including the first-ever course in Genocide Studies at Charles University´s Faculty of Protestant Theology (Prague), 2016-2017.
Free entrance.

Afro-Asian Institute, Centrum für Jüdische Studien (Karl-Franzens Universität), CLIO – Verein für Geschichts- und Bildungsarbeit, Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Graz Komitee für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit Graz, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz